Magnificent Moss Letters ~ My Style

May 3, 2011

I thought I'd share another one of my favorite blogland crafts with you today even though, as usual, you've probably seen it a gazillion times before.  And of course, what would one of my crafty posts be without either a Pottery Barn and/or a Goodwill reference?  Yup, it's Pottery Barn.

I don't just want the letter, I want the whole patio.


Okay, so I'm partial to the "K" since it's my first initial.....

For this project, though, I wanted to make our last initial, so I was on the lookout for large wooden A's.  Problem is, A is apparently a pretty popular letter since everywhere I went they were out of A's!  I finally found a small, three-dimensional kind of card-boardy (you know what I mean) A at JoAnn's.  It was only 8 inches high, but it was also only around $1.00.  Need I say more?

Initially I thought I might Mod Podge a map onto this one, but the whole moss thing got the best of me.  So I went to Michaels and used my 40% off coupon for the moss.

Moss comes in all shapes and sizes, little did I know.  I didn't buy the sheet moss because it seemed like a bit too much for just a small letter like I had.  So I picked the more three-dimensional moss (for lack of a better word, does anyone know the technical term for this?  I'll call it bumpy moss!).

I also planned to use a spray adhesive which I bought previously for a lamp shade re-do project (still to come).

What was I thinking?  Little did I know that spray adhesive wasn't the best option for this........thing is, I was trying to avoid using the glue gun (sorry, I'm just not that gung ho about getting my fingers burned) but it backfired.  I ended up using the glue gun after all!  I just pulled the pieces of moss apart as I needed them and was able to fill in all the bare spaces after covering the major spaces first.

I do wish that the letter had been bigger, but overall I was pretty happy with the result.  Initially I put it in the first floor bathroom, but Mr. CBD really didn't like looking at it every time he had to, well, you know.  So I moved it here.


I think it'll stay, at least for a little while.  And how to convince Mr. CBD to like it?  Ah, there's the rub.  Perhaps I can point out that at Pottery Barn moss letters cost $79.00 (not a typo). My total spent was around $5.00.  Not too shabby.

Hope you're all having a great week!

I'll be linking up here:

Leave a Comment!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Love your little moss letter! It's cute and thrifty!

Tricia @ Vintage No. 35 said...

I love it! I also did numbers for a show and I just loved the fact that it was so cheap to do.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

You did good! Yes - some of that moss can be hard to work with (and pricey).

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