December 29, 2010

Link Up Your Favorite 2010 Project Party!

I've noticed that a number of bloggers are posting their favorite blog posts and/or projects for 2010.  So I figured what the heck?  What have I got to lose?  I'd LOVE to see yours ~ whether it's a piece of jewelry, altered art, a room makeover or an awesome craft. I made my list.  It made me take stock of this past year's progress {or lack thereof}.  Here are my favorites.

I can see that I want to continue with vintage, eclectic, boho shabby chic charm bracelets (surprise!) in addition to expanding my line of Irish Dance charm bracelets.  And, as always, I want to continually improve upon my sweet vintage charm necklaces. 

Junk Gypsy,
Purveyor of All Things Gypsy,
Vintage Junkaholic, 
Vintage C-H-A-R-M.  Yup, that's me.

Happy New Year to all of you,
my sweet readers and followers. 
Here's to an awesome, vintage, junky 2011.

Now link up those favorite projects of 2010.  NO rules.  Link up as many as you want!  I can't wait to see the incredible talent out there!  GO!

UPDATE: My Linky Code for this party was deactivated when the service went from being free to being a paid-for service.  I tried to get the code back but had no luck with the service provider.  Sorry!   


  1. Enjoyed seeing all your pretty creations again. I am just now seeing this - will try to get a post up later to join in.
    Happy New Year!

  2. love your jewelry! great designs! happy holidays--

  3. Thanks for the party! You have some beautiful jewelry and I love your blog design. Happy new year!

  4. Oh my goodness. Nice to meet you! I love your jewelry (especially that necklace on the black fabric strip)! Thanks so much for saying hi... I'll be linking up!!!

  5. Really beautiful pieces. Thanks for finding my blog and inviting me to your party!

  6. oh my goodness...your stuff is GORGEOUS...drop dead GORGEOUS. Thanks so much for stopping by my little blog and your so very kind words. I'm in awe of your work!

  7. Thanks for the encouragement to join your party - I don't feel like mine compare to your beautiful creations....just playing! but it is wonderful to have bit of my mom closeby!

  8. Your jewelry is amazing...I love the vintage feel!
    Thanks for the invitation to link up - I've link and I'm busy visiting some of the others.

  9. Awesome jewelery!!! Thanks for coming by the blog and leaving me such a sweet note. I was going to link up the project you liked but didn't see a spot to do it, my computer is being slow this morning. BUT thank you for coming by my blog. It makes my heart warm and fuzzy.

    Just Another Day in Paradise

  10. Gorgeous projects, all.
    I'm down with the flu or
    I'd hunt through my posts
    for the {few} projects that
    I wrote about....Instead, I'll
    enjoy visiting some of these
    links. I hope the New Year
    finds you healthy and in top
    spirits! xx Suzanne


Thanks for stopping by ~ I truly treasure each and every comment!