Well, not exactly the R-E-A-L honest-to-goodness red carpet, but STILL, I do feel pretty popular right now. I actually got my second and third Versatile Blogger Awards! It really feels great to get a pat on the back every now and then. (Anyone who denies this is lyin’!)
My first props came from Carol at The Answer is Chocolate. I already blogged about this a few blog posts ago. She’s a crafty lady with an awesome sense of humor. Check her out!
My second award comes from Chara Lynn over at Nothing But FABULOSITY! Thank you Chara! She’s nothing but FABULOUS (I mean it). So
head on over and tell her I said hi!
My third award comes from Brooke over at Leksi Designs This Handmade Life. She’s a talented jewelry designer and blogger. Check her out. Thanks Brooke!
Now I’m supposed to tell 7 things about myself. Already been there, done that. You can read about it in my first award post (Sorry, I'm pretty boring.)
The fun part is where I get to send shout outs to some bloggers I’ve recently discovered and think are awesome!
(I've used buttons and links where I could. My computer's being kind of ornery right now.....aaaarrrgh. I'll have to come back and fix the link errors later ~ sorry!)
1) Circle of Buttons
2) A Pixie and a Gypsy
5) Faded Charm
6) The Bloggers Concierge (their button is in an earlier post, scroll down!)
Go on now, click and enjoy! :)
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wow cong on the awards. enjoy.
Thanks for paying it forward Kathleen! I really do enjoy reading your blog. It seems all of us who have "mommy" blogs run in the same circle! I will be checking out your favorite blogs today! Have a great week!
First of all congrats to you Kathleen! And Wow....I'm honored. I love your blog. I can't believe after Karen's event I'm actually blogging to someone other than myself! Thank you so much!
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