Fall Frolic and Spooky Monday

September 13, 2010

Fall is in the air, filled with the aromas of outdoor fires, wet leaves and burnt marshmallows (at least in my backyard, that is). But some other aromas are really my favorites of the season.

Yum! I swear I wasn't paid by Yankee Candle to mention them ~ these really are my favorite aromas. Am I a Yankee Candle junkie? Naaaww....I'll let you decide that one.

And here's what our house looks like come fall in the midwest.

My loving Mr. CBD commissioned a local artist to paint a portrait of our house a few years ago. He gave her a fall photo of it to work from, since that's my favorite season. I will always treasure this.

Now, on to to more SPOOKY ENDEAVORS..............

Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble. I'm loving this wicked witch on her Halloween night ride.

He's a jaunty gent, with just a bit of creepy in his pumpkin headed grin.

See what I mean?

Now here's a spooky candelabra.

 I can't wait to light them, those pumpkin spice-scented tea lights. YUM, again!

Last but not least I'll leave you with a Halloween thought for the day.

Thank you, Wendy, for hosting this fun and funky Spooky Monday! Now all of you be sure to head on over to her incredibly creative site, Wendy's Adventures in Wonderland. Show her some love, and check out some other bloggy spookiness.

Only 47 more days!

Have a great week!

Leave a Comment!

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh what a darling, fun post!!! Happy Autumn!

Anonymous said...

I spend £$£$£$£$£'s on scented candles! haven't seen the pumpkin one before, must have one now :) Halloween is my favourite time of year :)

Anonymous said...

You are all ready for the big day, sistah...
Love those scents and the HOME is gorgeous..

HUGS ~victoria~

Leslie said...

Your blog is fabulous! How have a not found ya before..Thanks for dropping by my blog. I'm your newest follower too.

That pumpkin gent is a little creepy in the face, but how cute. I LOVE Yankee's Pumpkin Pie candles too.

Rebecca said...

I've started lighting my fall candles too-it really puts me in the mood-I love backyard fires too!

Unknown said...

Just stopping by to say thank you for joining my blog hop. Returned the favour and am now following. I love meeting all these new bloggers. Can't wait to get to know you better. www.jamarahcraftycreations.blogspot.com Sarah

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