Halloween Goodies

October 25, 2010

Well, it's almost here.....the clock is ticking and Halloween is practically on our doorsteps.  Before it's gone I wanted to share with you some Halloween themed goodies over at  Groovy Makes , a fellow Etsy Mom Street Team blog.  (Okay, so my jewelry's in the third row....)

SOooooo, if you're a seller who has some Halloween-themed goodies to share, head on over there and add your stuff to the collection!  And if you're a shopper, well, head on over, too ~ now's the time to snag up some Halloween decor, jewelry, clothing, you name it.  'Cause they won't be round again till this time next year! 

Groovy Makes is a place where each Thursday a new theme is posted and you're invited to add your wares to the collection.  It's a great way to get exposure, and a great way to make friends!  

As I write this, there are only 5 days, 13 hours, 24 minutes and 6 seconds till Halloween ~  are YOU ready?????????? 

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Groovy Pumpkin said...

Thanks Kathleen - this is a great post - and very much appreciated!!

I LOVE your charm bracelet (on the Groovy Makes Collection) - all those great charms just right for Halloween!!

Have a lovely day!

Jane xxxx

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