Meet Me at Na-Da Farm

March 30, 2011

Spring break is in full swing in our house so I've

not been too productive these past few days....but

I did want to share this with you.

 In a few short weeks (ok, well, maybe a few more

than a few), I'll be going to Na Da Farm in

Esmond, Illinois for their bi-annual barn Event.

It'll be my first, despite the fact that I don't live

too terribly far from where all the action takes

place. I'm SO glad I'm now in the know and

wanted to share the info with all of you, dear


Na-Da Farm is actually the Illinois prairie

homestead of Anne Marie and her family.  She

graciously offers it up, along with their barns, for

a marvelous get-together of all things beautiful,

inspirational, vintage, whimsical, style-ful (I

know that's not a word!).  Some of the

artisits/vendors are my absolute favorites!  Jill

Harris, Jeanne Oliver, Beth Quinn, Jennifer

Rizzo, Polly Hood, Jeanine Burkhardt, Anne

Marie and more.......{visit Anne Marie's blog for

more info on these special ladies}

{Click on image for larger picture}

And to top it all off, the author of Romantic

Prairie Style, Fifi O'Neill, will be on hand to sign

her book!  I've already gotten my copy, have you?

(Psssssttt......Anne Marie's home is in it!!!)

It's a two-day event, starting Friday night with

the Boho Ball {I hear there'll be champagne ~

count me in, yeah!}

Honestly, I cannot tell you how EXCITED I am

to be going!  I'm actually counting the days!

{Click on image for larger picture}

So count them with me, and join us at the Farm

on May 20th and 21st!  See you there!


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Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Oh I am SO jealous! This sounds so fantastic. Can't wait to see pics.

V I N T A G E O L O G I E said...

Can't wait to meet ya there !! ... looking forward to this event!!

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