White Wednesday on Thursday Again

May 13, 2011

I’ve got to stop doing this, writing my White Wednesday post on Thursday! I don’t seem to be able to get anything done these days…..

I found this little lovely at the local Club G.W., having fallen in love with the white chippy frame.

It wasn’t until I got home and noticed the printing on the back of the frame that I realized it was made in Chicago. It read “Dennite…..Chicago Illinois.”

So I looked it up and found a few similar ones on ebay. The two I found on line were floral prints but still quite similar to mine (all Dennite and made by Dennstedt Art. Co.) and they’re dated somewhere between the 1920’s and 1930’s. So, my lady here could be 81 or even 91 years old! Not bad for my $1.99 purchase!

Oh, and the white behind the frame is my awesome white chippy window, snagged up at the Kane County Flea Market last weekend. Quite a score, I love it! Although I KNOW Mr. CBD is scratching his head and saying, “You brought home an old, dirty window ~ for what?” So hard to explain! I'll have to share it in it's full glory next time.

I had visions of trading out the original picture for something else, but perhaps I’ll leave it be? I mean, she seems pretty happy.

Have a great weekend!

I'll be linking up here:

Leave a Comment!

The French Hutch said...

hi Kathleen, just popped over from Vintage Inspiration. Love this pretty frame and the little lady looks very at home with it. Great old window, can't wait for the reveal. Seems you've found a great buy!

The French Hutch

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Nice find! Don't you love it when you buy something, do a little research and find out you found a treasure.
Enjoy your weekend.

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

She's beautiful and the frame is amazing. I think I'd let her stay right where she is. I always have a pile of things to research after coming home with my goodies. Good eye!!

lvroftiques said...

Hi Kathleen!
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I can see we love lots of the same things. "I'ts a Wonderful Life" is my favorite movie of all time. and "Pride and Prejudice" is also one of my favorite books *winks* Plus that down down down love lol!
What an amazing deal on your beautiful lady! I vote for her to stay in her frame since she has been there a really LONG time! And I'd love to see more of your chippy window frame. I love them too and my hubbs also thinks I'm nuts *winks* Vanna

Ido said...

That frame is beautiful. Thank yo for your sweet comments on my blog. It's been a while since I follow you. About the coffee filter topiary, I don't know exactly how many filters I used, may be around 100, or between 100 and 150.
Have a great day.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Yep, I would leave it be, it's a pretty picture, as far as the Mr.not getting it, that's why we blog, because we all get it. No one in my family gets it at all!


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