Easter Cocoa Puff Muffins

March 29, 2013

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One of our family's Easter traditions is hosting a huge Easter Egg Hunt. 

We're talking 100 people and 2,000-eggs-huge.

Sadly, this year we won't be doing it.  And it's crazy, but as much as I complained about all the work it entailed each year, I think deep down I actually liked all the preparation.  And in the spirit of the Hunt, I baked some Easter Cocoa Puff Muffins with Chickadee number two this morning.

I can't say that they're the most healthy things in the world, but I can say that if you're a chocolate-lover you will love these.  And if you promise not to tell I will give you the secret recipe.


Okay, I'm busted.  But hey, they're a hit with the kiddos and they were sinfully easy.  They turned out moist, with a nice, crunchy topping.

I didn't have any Easter-themed  baking cups, so I used some silver ones instead.  And once the muffins were a bit cool, I inserted the bunny cupcake toppers, 12 for $1.00 at Target.  In all honesty they can't compete with my usual baking extravaganza this time of year, but under the circumstances they'll do just fine.

I displayed 8 of them on a yellow Williams-Sonoma cake stand.  Then I added a smaller silver cake stand (love it!) on top to hold the other 4.  The top one is actually the bottom half of a small dessert dome, without the glass dome.  It's a Target steal that I use all the time.  Love it.

I hear that they're really quite chocolate-y. Easy plus chocolate.  That's a no-brainer in my book!
You really should give it a try.
Happy Easter! 
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NOTE: I was not paid by Betty Crocker in any way to write this post.  All opinions are my own.

I'll be linking up here:

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Glenda/MidSouth said...

And they are cute, and you also made memories for Chickadee No. 2. Thanks for sharing.
Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter !

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

They're almost too cute to eat, but they sure look delicious!!

momto8 said...

wishing you Easter blessings and many more Easter cocoa puff muffins!

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