LAST chance to switch over from Google Reader!

June 30, 2013

This is your LAST chance to switch over from Google Reader (if you use it) and keep receiving my blog posts!

I had a scrumptious summer recipe I was going to share with you today but I realized that I've been remiss in not mentioning the end of Google Reader as we know it! So, the chicken and peanut noodles recipe will have to wait.....

I personally don't use Google Reader to read the blogs I follow. I'm a Google Friends Connect follower on most of them, so I just read them where they appear right underneath my Blogger dashboard every day. But I know that many of you use Google Reader, and today, Sunday, June 30th, is the last day, folks.

I'd hate to lose any one of you as a reader due to this, so I'm asking you kindly (pretty please?) to follow me either with Google Friends Connect (in my sidebar) or through Bloglovin'. I've added a Bloglovin' follow button in my sidebar.  I know a bunch of you already use Bloglovin' so thank you!

You can certainly follow me by e-mail (easy sign-up in my sidebar) or any other way you see fit. Just please know that as of Monday, July 1st, 2013 Google Reader will no longer be bringing you my awesome DIY home decor posts!
It's so easy to make the Bloglovin' switch! You can follow ANY and ALL of your blogs through Bloglovin'.  I've found a great site that takes you through it step by step over at Not Your Momma's Cookie. Just follow the steps set forth over there and you'll be golden.

Thanks for following, however you follow, and I'll be back with that no-bake scrumptious summer recipe real soon!


Leave a Comment!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I also don't use G. Reader, and like you, I know if a blogger has a new post when I check my dashboard for updates. I still get updates on some blogs that use something other than blogger, and some I don't -don't know what makes the difference. When I realize I don't get an update on a certain blog, I just add that blogger to my favorite list and check it as time allows.
Reader did not work with my "hit and run" schedule of posting/reading.
I need to check into adding bloglovin.
Thanks for the info.
Hope you enjoyed the weekend.

Anonymous said...

I follow you though Google Friends Connect! Thank for the info. on Bloglovin'; I'll give it a try!

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