DIY Christmas Card Display

December 10, 2014

Decorating for Christmas doesn't have to be complicated. Or expensive. One of
my favorite ways to decorate for Christmas is with simple, found things. Things
you love and want to surround yourself with. Take my tried and true vintage,

white, chippy window. I scored it at the local flea market and
have used it in more than a few vignettes around my house.

Here it is, unadorned, in a prior post about my love of windows.

And here it is as a backdrop for a photo shoot.

This year it's serving double duty as a Christmas card display.

Below I have it set up for my initial photo shoot.
 I apologize for the fuzzy photos but that's what you
get when you use your iPhone. 
Now these aren't just any Christmas cards. They're my own family's Christmas
cards from the past six years. Yes, pictures of my kids. But what a great way
to keep them all in one place where they can be admired as you walk down
memory lane. And it's true what they say- they really do grow up so fast!

I loved having the reindeer and bottle brush tree on top.

Unfortunately, once I put the window up on the mantel without the deer,
it was too high up for me to add them back without getting out the
tallest ladder we have. So I just placed them down in front. Yes, our mantel
is THAT high up. The top of it is 6 feet off the ground. Drives me crazy!
There's also a HUGE blank space above anything I put on the mantel, and
it's hard  to get something large enough to fit there. I do have a painting that's
been up there for a few years, but now that I've taken it down for Christmas
I'm beginning to wonder what inexpensive options I might have for
something new. Any ideas?

Normally I leave the window unadorned, but for the Christmas
holiday I'm all about the bling. So on went the sparkling snowflakes 
and the word "Joy." 

The little bit of blue you can see under the joy ornament is that
tacky stuff. I used it so that I can remove all the decorations from
the window after Christmas. All the ornaments, deer and bottle brush
trees are from the Dollar Store, naturally.
Here are some close-ups of each section. 
I found it was easier to get better photos that way.

The kids really do grow up fast!
You can also use this for displaying some favorite Christmas cards you receive
from friends and family each year. To that end, I hope to be sharing another
DIY Christmas card display with you in my next post.

So, how do you display
Christmas cards?
Stay in Touch @
Don't miss another
home decor post!

Leave a Comment!

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...


Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

This is so precious! Love all the festive embellishments you used around the window too. Yes, they really do grow up so fast. Thanks Kathleen for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

It's perfect! I love windows too and I say bring on the bling!!! What a great idea!


Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

the window idea is super smart. I love it!

Anonymous said...

I love this idea! Your vintage window is a perfect Christmas card display! The embellishments are a great touch and make your window look so festive!

The Charm of Home said...

That is super cute way to share the cards! Thank you for linking with HSH! Have a very Merry Christmas!

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