I am not a succulent person.
I. Am. Not.
Never was.
I always disliked cacti, as a matter of fact.
So what am I doing, giving you tips on ways
to display them in your home?
The answer's pretty simple. I'm doing it because I've been bitten by the succulent bug. Seriously, I try not to get too involved in super-trendy decorating, but for some reason I just fell in love with these cute little things. I blame Pinterest.
Once I decided I was going rogue and allowing cacti into my home, I had to decide what kind to get. Well, that was simple. Cuteness always wins. I let my son and daughter each pick out a favorite, as did I. And they died.
Yes, I'm so bad with plants that even easy-to-grow cacti actually up and died on me. Now comes the cool part. I had all but given up on my little dream of little cacti and guess what I just happen to stumble upon at the Dollar Tree? Yup, faux succulents! I realized I'd be getting my little succulents after all.
They had more than four types but, again, cuteness rules so I only brought home four. Also, I was looking for a nice color texture size combination that would create the nicest display. You'll see below how I tried a few different display options. And I'll be sharing my succulent display tips at the end of this post. Right now let's look at some different ways to display them.
Tin cans are always a cute way to display plants, faux or real. I already had this square tin can with a wooden handle and burlap number tag ~ how cute is this?
Then there's always the dough bowl. I've put many a thing in this {faux} dough bowl, depending on the season. I've put apples, pumpkins, Christmas greens and faux snow - you name it- in it. Never thought I'd be adding succulents to the list! Never say never, I guess.
You'll see that I added in another element for visual interest and a pop of color. It's a Target Sea Urchin Ornamental Wall Décor piece that I got brand new at Goodwill for $3.99. You can hang it up (which I will), or lay it flat like I've done here. The green
moss rocks are from-where else?- Dollar Tree.
Here you can really see the urchin up close and personal.
I only used two pots in this arrangements since that's all that fit. I really didn't like the white plastic pots sticking out like a sore thumb so I tried to cover the pots with green floral tape but that didn't work, so I left well enough alone. I could have spray painted the pots green, but that seemed liked too much work for Dollar Tree plants. I was finally prompted, however, to pry them out of those plastic pots and place them into real clay pots!
Much better! Just think how cute they'd be in weathered-white pots. The plants were actually attached to Styrofoam, which by this time I had had enough of, and gently sawed off with a small handsaw. Styrofoam can be so messy! But it sure did make it easier to insert the plants into a wider variety of containers.
And last but not least are my little blue mason jars.
The ladder was a cheap Goodwill find.
But my favorite display by far was the coffee mugs. I also loved being able to incorporate some subtle fall décor into the mix.
Baby Boo pumpkins are my all time favorites!
So let's recap.
5 Styling Tips for Displaying Succulents
1. Embellished tin cans
2. Dough bowl with moss rocks and/or a colorful surprise element
3. Plain weathered clay pots (assuming yours came in plastic pots)
4. Mason jars, mini or otherwise
5. Coffee mugs (or teacups)
One other thing I thought of doing (but didn't) that might make the plastic plants look more realistic is lightly dry brushing them with white chalk paint, then wiping the leaves down with a soft cloth. I figured that would probably take away some of the shininess of the leaves. If you try it let me know how it turns out!
Well, that's it until next time, friends!
I hope you enjoyed reading
5 Tips For Styling Succulents.
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OMGosh Kathleen, LOL about your newly acquired succulent love. I have to say pretty much the same thing happened to me. I stopped with the houseplants long ago--just too much work and not enough interest. But I love the succulents and am pretty taken with terrariums (I put succulents in them). But I've also bought a few faux versions myself. I'll be visiting the Dollar Tree shortly, you can be sure of that! I adore them in the terra cotta and am fond of them in the canning jars and white pottery as well. Fun post with great ideas--
I'm another victim of the succulent bug, I keep buying them. Your displays are, indeed, super cute Kathleen.
I too was bitten by the succulent bug. I bought 5 and arranged them in my kitchen. They died. So I bought 5 more. They died, too. So then I bought 5 "real" cacti- you know, with the prickly needles and everything. Then my baby learned to stand up and touch the cacti. So I moved them, forgot about them, and they died. Long story short, I'm not planning to buy any more live plants for my kitchen, so I was SO EXCITED to find out that your adorable display is made with fake plants. But they look so good! I'm inspired. Thanks for sharing. :)
Really pretty Kathleen. I love succulents, but they don't last too long around here. I need to go faux! Featured at Be Inspired this morning. Thanks so much for sharing!
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