Do you love decorating for Christmas with holiday-themed pillows, but don't love their high price tags? That's me in a nutshell when it comes to Christmas pillows. But never fear -- I will show you how to go inexpensively From Placemat to Pillow in 3 Easy Steps just in time for Christmas.

While today's post is about Christmas pillows, I've been known to
DIY other types of pillows as well. Like my Thanksgiving pillow made out of Pier One napkins.

Or my monogram pillow made out of flour sack dish towels.
And every time I make a pillow I admit that I'm not a seamstress by any stretch of the imagination. I usually use Stitch Witchery and iron things shut instead of sewing. I'm all for shortcuts, aren't you? And today I've got a great one. Only minimal stitching involved!
How about using placemats for pillows covers? I picked up these four gorgeous placemats on clearance at Target after Christmas last year. And when I say clearance I mean clearance.
Price: $1.18 each. Yes you read that right.
I knew when I bought them I was going to use them for pillows. They're made of a very soft, yet sturdy felt-like material on the front. The back fabric is a basic muslin. And the red appliqué flowers are just gorgeous. These really work well as part of my Christmas decor this year as I'm totally into red right now.
STEP 1: Rip out seam.
All you need to do is use a seam ripper to gently rip out some stitches, starting from one corner of the placemat. You need to make the opening large enough to be able to place your hand inside so that you can fill it with stuffing. I chose to open the seam on the side that did not have applique on it so as to avoid the possibility of it looking wonky and uneven after I closed it up. (I'm not the best seamstress, just sayin'.)
STEP 2: Fill with polyfill stuffing or pillow insert.
I chose the polyfill method. Keep in mind that if you choose to go the pillow insert route you'll have to rip out a lot more stitches and as a result you'll have a lot more area to sew closed!
STEP 3: Use needle and invisible thread to sew the opening closed.
The thread I use is called Coats Transparent. I got it at JoAnne's. It's a bear to thread onto the needle because its so hard to see, but it's great for invisible seams! This is especially important for those of us who were not born with a sewing needle in our hand. You can make a few mistakes but they won't be noticeable. (Don't tell anyone that I said that.)
My Cost:
Placemat: $1.18 Target Christmas clearance 2014
Polyfill: $1.00 Goodwill
Total: $2.18 per pillow. ( I already had thread and seam
And yes, I made two! At that low price I bought four placements. I think
I'll make the other two next year. You might think that four of these
pillows will be overkill but rest assured, we have a gargantuan sectional
sofa that these will look incredible on.
Here they sit in our foyer on my favorite slipper chair that I love
to use for photo shoots. There's great light in the foyer on most days.
The red Noel pillow is a Target dollar spot purchase. I think they all
go really well together, don't you? I also think my placemat pillows
give Pottery Barn Christmas pillows a run for their money. What do you think?
Expensive-looking pillows without the expense!
Well, Christmas is right around the corner! Are you ready? I'm done
shopping and decorating but have not even begun to think about
wrapping and baking cookies. Whoops. Today was the kids' last day of
school so I say let the holidays begin!
Well, that's it for today, friends.
I hope you've enjoyed reading about
From Placemat To Pillow in 3 Easy Steps
and that I've inspired you in some way!
From Placemat To Pillow in 3 Easy Steps
and that I've inspired you in some way!
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Looks great and sounds easy! I've used dish towels and cloth napkins too for pillows. More sewing involved but still easy.
Love them Kathleen! So bold and beautiful. Great idea. I bought a few Target napkins that I plan to stencil on and then turn into pillows. I like the simplicity of your placemats to pillows though. Looking forward to hearing about your upcoming changes!
How cute! Totally do-able and you can't beat the price! I've sewed them together but never thought to open it up and stuff~~~GENIUS. Best ~ Mickie.
I discovered this last year and everyone thought I was a genius! Such a simple inexpensive gift and I got mine on clearance at Target too! I did a transfer of Family Rules on a couple of them. Thanks for the remunder!
I love these so much. Red is my happy color and these are beautiful!
Very clever, Kathleen! They very pretty and perfect for the season.
I love Target clearance! This is such a cute project. Heading out to Target today. Will be shopping the clearance isles.
Love the pillows - very pretty.
I have made covers from place mats before - easy and economical.
Hello! Your holiday pillows are so pretty and perfect for the season. Beautiful! Merry Christmas!
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