I love giving chalkboards a starring role in my home decor. They're a versatile and inexpensive way to brighten up your home, no matter what time of year it is. Trust me when I say that I take full advantage of my DIY Vintage Frame and Plexiglass Chalkboard every chance I get.
One of my favorite blogs is called Simply Kierste. Kierste is wicked creative and talented when it comes to putting together awesome printables. A fall printable of hers from a few years back caught my eye on Pinterest, and the rest is history.
You can download this fun fall printable over at Simply Kierste.
I loved the printable so much that I went ahead and tried to recreate it on an actual chalkboard. So how did I do it? First, I played around in Word until I found fonts that were already installed on my computer that were similar to the fonts Kierste used in her printable. Are they exactly the same? No. But I used her printable as inspiration. Then I recreated it on paper.
Here's a screen shot of the draft template for my chalkboard art. I'm happy to share with you the specific free fonts I used for this recreation. (All but Gora Rough and the flourish at the top.) I signed up with The Hungry JPEG so they send me awesome free fonts to download every week. Unfortunately, the fonts are no longer free after a certain number of days and then you have to buy them. I was able to share a link to all but two fonts: Gora Rough used for "fallen leaves" and the flourish at the top of the printable on either side of the word "FALL." (For your reference it's called Beautiful Day.) They're no longer free (sorry) so you'll have to roam around dafont.com and find a similar font, or change it up altogether!
caramel apples
fallen leaves
Gora Rough
(For some reason this font shows up completely differently in this blog post than it does in Word. Don't worry, it will look right when you use it in Word and print it out to make your reverse chalk drawing.)
Apple cider
There you have it. So what's next after you've downoaded all the fonts? Just type up your words in Word and print each one out in the size that works for you and your chalkboard.
Here are all my words printed out, set up on the chalkboard in proper order. Once I know that I've got a good set-up and everything fits pretty well, I begin transferring the words onto the chalkboard using my reverse chalk transfer method.
Be sure to check it out and get all the details
needed to complete this project!

Be sure to use painter's tape to secure the word down onto the chalkboard as you're working on it. Then lift it off carefully to reveal your handiwork!
It may not look professionally done, but I always want my chalkboards to have a handmade look about them anyway. So it's a win-win.
I love how it looks as the backdrop for my DIY Fall Floral Arrangement Including Feathers. If you're interested in making your own twig vase, you check can out my DIY Rustic Twig Vase that is so easy to put together.
I know it sounds trite since SO many people say it, but fall truly is my favorite time of year! So much so that I can't seem to help myself from creating fall vignettes like they're going out of style!
So yes, my foyer gets switched up routinely. Next up?
Why Halloween, of course! Stay tuned for that!
I hope you enjoyed reading about my
Fall Chalkboard Art Tutorial Including 7 Free Fonts.
Thanks so much for spending time with me today!

I hope you enjoyed reading about my
Fall Chalkboard Art Tutorial Including 7 Free Fonts.
Thanks so much for spending time with me today!
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well -- don’t miss another thrifty, DIY home décor post!

Leave a Comment!
Oh thank you, I love it! I can't wait to try my hand at creating a chalkboard for our kitchen.
This is so cool. I love it! I am Pinning. But I would love for you to come over to the party and share!
Very, Very, Cool!
Love your chalkboard art, Kathleen. Pinned and sharing on FB.
I love your charming chalkboard, Kathleen...and all of your fall vignettes, too! Thanks for sharing!
I love your chalkboard and the fonts you shared! Thank you, I can't wait to try them out on mine. Going to pin too!
Cecilia B
Your chalkboard turned out great Kathleen! Fall is my favourite time of year too. It's cooler and all the colours are so pretty.
Vintage Charm party looking good this week, Kathleen. So much inspiration. Thanks for hosting. Love your chalkboard. Thanks for the tutorial.
Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures
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