Thrill of the Hunt #38

December 28, 2016

brass perpetual desk calendar

Hello friends! Welcome to Thrill of the Hunt #38! Today I'm happy to share with you a few of my latest thrifty vintage finds. As usual it's an odd lot, so sit back with your cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate and let's get started.

Brass perpetual desk calendars
As the saying goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. My son picked up this vintage perpetual calendar at an estate sale. I've always loved the vintage vibe these cool desk accessories give off. And apparently so did he!

Brass perpetual desk calendars

Brass perpetual desk calendars

Brass perpetual desk calendars

It's definitely a reminder of the Mad Men era. He 's chosen to keep it on his desk, which in this case is actually our dining room table where we home school. This way I get to look at it every day as well!

Swedish cow bell

At the same estate sale he spied this adorable.....wait for it.......Swiss cow bell?

Swedish cow bell

The woman there said it was a sheep bell. As we live in an area that's not hard to picture as having been quite rural at one time, we figured she was right. Come to find after a bit of research that it may actually be a Swiss cow bell.

Swedish cow bell

The only photos I can find of anything similar online (brass bell with multicolored strap) are all Swiss cow bells. Either way this one does appear to be vintage and it's quite cute in and of itself, no matter its original purpose.

Inarco white porcelain reindeer

I picked up this vintage porcelain Inarco reindeer at the same estate sale for $2.00. Inarco stands for International Artware Corporation.  An American company founded in 1960, Inarco hailed out of Cleveland, Ohio. The figurines were designed in the U.S. and then manufactured in Japan.

Inarco white porcelain reindeer

The black and gold foil sticker on the bottom says "Inarco" written over a globe and the word "Japan." Speaking of vintage reindeer, this is not the only one I've come across as of late.

Vintage crocheted baby booties reindeer

I'm not sure what it is about vintage reindeer that speaks to me. At first I always think they're cute and then later decide that perhaps they're a bit odd looking. I was drawn to this crocheted vintage baby bootie turned Christmas ornament when I spied the vintage reindeer sitting smack dab in the middle of it. That sealed the deal for me.

Vintage crocheted baby booties reindeer

Later I decided that the eyes are a bit weird, but still charming in their own vintage way!

Vintage crocheted baby booties reindeer

I picked it up for $4.00 at the Randolph Street Holiday Market in Chicago a few weekends ago. Wish I had the other bootie as well!

Vintage porcelain reindeer Christmas decor

I recently pulled out another one of my porcelain vintage reindeer to use as Christmas decor this year. My kids think it's "creepy" looking.

What say you? Vintage Reindeer: yay or nay? 

I hope you enjoyed reading Thrill of the Hunt #38. 
And thanks so much for spending time with me today!

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Brass perpetual desk calendar

Don’t miss another thrifty, 
DIY home décor post!      

Leave a Comment!

Sharon @ Blue Willow House said...

Love a mixed bag of vintage goodies. I love all of your finds.

My thrift store addiction said...

Kathleen, wonderful finds! My son loves vintage too--when he graduated from high school, he requested a vintage Polaroid and typewriter ;) Love the white deer best! Regarding the last reindeer, I do know what your girls mean--something in the expression, lol. However,I do have a pair very similar in my Etsy shop and it is one of the most favorited items!

srpprcrftr said...

Somebody's idea of art not always recognized in later times. Which ever, love all of little reindeer but 1st. one is very sweet. Vintage items like that are not seen here (Grand Junction, CO) at thrift stores that often unless maybe older person's home was cleaned out GJ not much for antique stores or antique shows ever. Calendar really good shape, lucky find.

Happy New Year

Diana said...

Fun finds, Kathleen. I'd love to get my hands on one of those perpetual calendars; I think it's just terrific. I love it when my kids like something that I like :)

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