Thrill of the Hunt #40

January 30, 2017

Welcome to Thrill of the Hunt #40! So today I have a question for you: Did you and your family have a milk box when you were growing up? You know - those insulated galvanized metal boxes that sat outside your front door just waiting for the milkman to fill it with ice cold bottles of milk? Back then it was the norm. But today? Not so much. Today we get our milk from the grocery store. How about you?

When I recently shared the details of my Galena, Illinois trip I mentioned that I was lucky enough to pick up some vintage goodies and couldn't wait to share my haul with you. So here goes!

Vintage galvanized Muller-Pinehurst Dairy milk box

First up: one vintage galvanized milk box. I was thrilled to find it in one of Galena's many eclectic vintage shops. I knew right away when I first saw it that it was coming home with me. Ever have that happen? So many memories were stirred up just looking at it. I loved drinking cold milk as a child. Still do, actually. Although these days it's skim.

Vintage galvanized Muller-Pinehurst Dairy milk box

This box was special since it had the words "Muller-Pinehurst Dairy" printed on the front in raised red letters. I've since come to find out that it's a Rockford, Illinois dairy that's still in business.

Here's a Rockford Morning Star photo of a new Muller's Union Dairy milk truck in 1937. The dairy originated in 1900. It later became known as Muller-Pinehurst Dairy in 1956.The business was eventually sold off by the Muller family but still remains in Rockford and still goes by the name Muller-Pinehurst. So who knows? My milk box could be over 50 years old.

I love this 1944 ad in the Rockford Morning Star for "Rockford's Pioneer Dairy," which is how they still refer to themselves today.

Vintage milk bottles and cow creamer

I took this as the perfect opportunity to showcase my vintage milk bottles and porcelain cow creamer. One of these days I'll have to write about those vintage bottles.

Vintage galvanized Muller-Pinehurst Dairy milk box

Vintage galvanized Muller-Pinehurst Dairy milk box

I can totally see me using this as a Christmas tree stand next Christmas, and it will definitely come in handy as some type of storage in the interim.

vintage copper metal spiked flower frog

I picked up this vintage flower frog for my small collection. This is my first copper one.

vintage copper metal spiked flower frog

Here it is on the very top of the three that I already had.

vintage copper metal spiked flower frog

It turned out not to be in the best of shape but I'm still glad I picked it up for the collection since its a bit different than the ones I already have.

Um, okay, I know what you're thinking. You bought a cow??? Not exactly.

Vintage cow tags

I've been on the lookout for cow tags ever since I saw them in a copy of Country Living Magazine last year. Honestly, I never really thought I'd ever find any since I've lived in the Midwest for the past 17 years and have never come across them in my junkin' travels. Well, my cow tag luck changed in Galena! The same store that had the milk box had a TON of cow tags! I had to limit myself due to the budget but I love the ones I chose. I know, you probably think I'm crazy. But I have to say that they're just one of those things that you bring home not knowing what you're going to do with them and then BAM! light bulb moment. I'm still waiting, but I'm sure I'll share whatever comes of them.

Here's one decorative way to use them. I found this inspiration on the blog Vintage News Junkie. Looks like she came up with at least one great idea for using them as farmhouse decor.

Chalk statue Infant of Prague

This beauty has been added to my chalk statue collection. It's the Infant of Prague.

Chalk statue Infant of Prague

Ironically, I didn't realize that the last time I bought an Infant of Prague chalk statue was on my LAST visit to Galena, IL in December 2015. You can read all about it and get a bit of its history in my Thrill of the Hunt #24

Chalk statue Infant of Prague

These have been very scarce in the thrift shops around here so I was very happy to find another one! 

Well, that's it until next time!

I hope you enjoyed reading
 Thrill of the Hunt #40! 
And thanks so much for spending 
time with me today!

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 DIY home décor post!

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Diana said...

Love the milk box, Kathleen! It sure does bring back lots of memories :) The cow tags are great, too. I've not come across them myself--here's hoping!

My thrift store addiction said...

Oh I am so jealous of that milk box--it's fabulous! The cow tags are fun too! Great haul, Kathleen!

GranthamLynn said...

Very cool post. Loved reading this! I've never seen one. But we do have galvanized soda boxes with handles. One is painted new and sits in our cabin room right by the door to the outside and the grill. The Cowboy stores his grill stuff in it.
The other isn't restored and only silver our daughter borrowed it at Christmas for wood on the fireplace. Hmmm. Christmas is over isn't it? HeHe.
Thanks for sharing this fun post. Don't forget to come and share you
Valentines Day post at the Fabulous Party over here:
Enjoy your week!

rush said...

My earliest memory of having milk delivered is when I was probably in 4th grade {about 50 years ago} on up. Mr. Geese {sp?} delivered our milk. {Of course, we called him Mr. Goose, because that is the way of young kids.} He went to the back door, let himself in and deposited one, maybe two, 2.5 gallon dispenser in the refrigerator. He was like part of the family, and had seen us in our underwear as we were getting ready for school.

I know my mom had milk delivered before that, because I remember the dark quart bottle that contained skim milk. I don't remember if we had a box on the porch or what. I believe it was all delivered by Borden's {central Ohio}, but I don't know for sure.

We also had goodies delivered by the bread man. We didn't see him so often. Mom made our bread, but every once in awhile, she'd splurge on danish or coffee cake or something. That would have been in the very early 60s.

Some of my fondest memories come from thrift stores {or antique stores at this point} and thrift/antique blogs. Thank you for sharing that great moment.

Sharon @ Blue Willow House said...

I've been looking for a metal milk box but haven't found one yet in my price range. Love how you styled it with your vintage milk bottles and cow pitcher. The cow tags are fun too. Can't wait for your light bulb moment.

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