Thrill of the Hunt #42

March 15, 2017

Welcome back to Thrill of the Hunt #42! I don't know about you but I've been busy. Trying to figure out all the techie stuff that comes along with blogging can be a real chore. But, hey, if it makes a better blog then it's worth it, right? And good news, my back problem seems to have subsided. Yay!

So let's get started with my latest finds.

First up is a lovely white porcelain creamer. It's a Royal Crown Derby Surrey White Milk Jug Creamer, to be exact. I paid all of $1.99 for it at Goodwill. I found it on eBay selling for $24.00.

Royal Crown Derby Surrey White Milk Jug Creamer thrifted

Royal Crown Derby Surrey White Milk Jug Creamer thrifted

Look at the lovely detail on the handle. The dark markings you see are just sticky stuff  left over from price tags, etc. Goo Gone is definitely in order.

Royal Crown Derby Surrey White Milk Jug Creamer thrifted,

Royal Crown Derby Surrey White Milk Jug Creamer thrifted makers mark

It will fit in beautifully with my ironstone collection.

White bed pillow shams with tie closures

Another white find (as you all know I'm very partial to white) is a set of white pillow shams. I don't know about you but I find that most bedding and linens I come across are just WAY too expensive for my budget. Unfortunately for me I'm the kind of girl who would change out her bedding every week for a different look if I could. But since we know that's not happening I am that much more grateful when I find bed linens like these at the thrift store.

White bed pillow shams with tie closures

White bed pillow shams with tie closures

White bed pillow shams with tie closures

They were bleached and super clean. I always love shams, 
or any pillow cover for that matter, that use ties as closures.

Christmas red plaid pillow cover thrifted

Speaking of pillow covers, it's never too early to start getting ready for Christmas, is it? I found these two pillow covers in red and green plaid and knew right away they would be perfect at Christmas time. Best part? They're HUGE! Oh yeah, and they only cost 50 cents a piece.

rustic natural ball decor

Last but not least I came across this natural ball decoration/filler that I wasn't totally sure what I'd do with. For some reason I knew I'd find a place for it, though (for all of $1.99).

rustic natural ball decor

I think it will go nicely with some moss balls I have in my stash. It's pretty big, the picture doesn't do it justice. I can see it as filler with the moss balls in one of my faux vintage European bread bowls this spring! 

Well, that's it until next time!

I hope you enjoyed reading Thrill of the Hunt #42.

Thanks for spending time with me today! 

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 DIY home décor post!    

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