DIY Inexpensive Painted Hexagonal Wooden Vase

September 25, 2017

hexagonal wooden vase succulent container

You might have noticed that succulents, and the myriad containers that they're being sold in, have been all the rage for quite some time now. While I still think mini-succulents are fun and attractive, I've actually become more interested in their containers. Which led me to this bare bones, basic hexagonal wooden container I found in Target's craft aisle for $3.99. I knew as soon as I saw it that I could dress it up and DIY myself a trendy vase for both my succulents as well as fresh flowers or other plants.

hexagonal wooden vase succulent container

It reminded me of some cool containers I had seen on Pinterest, and I knew the color scheme I wanted to use was white and gold.

Note:  If you like this look but don't want to make it for yourself, there are many hexagonal vases/planters that you can find online.  

You can get to each item below just by clicking on its name. I've provided the list for your shopping convenience. A purchase of any of these items helps to support this blog and its creative efforts at no cost to you. To learn more, please see my disclosure page.

hexagonal wooden vase succulent container

As for my DIY, I first placed painter's tape all around the planter ust below the dividing line between the top and bottom portions so that I could paint the top section white. I used Benjamin Moore Decorator's White that I already had left over from prior projects.

hexagonal unpainted wooden vase succulent container

hexagonal unpainted wooden vase succulent container  gold white

Once the white paint dried I taped that part off so that I could paint the bottom half gold. Taping off a hexagonal line isn't necessarily easy. It's best done using many small pieces of tape rather than one long one. I basically used the same method as set forth in my tutorial for taping off a round mirror.

hexagonal unpainted wooden vase succulent container

Once the top taping was finished, I went to work painting the bottom half gold. I used Krylon Cover Maxx spray paint in Gold/Metallic. Since this was such a small project I just took it outside onto the patio, laid it on a piece of newspaper and sprayed away. Very light coats, of course.

DIY gold white painted hexagonal wooden vase

And voila.

DIY gold white painted hexagonal wooden vase

I think it looks pretty professional. Or at least a heck of a lot better than how it looked when I started.

DIY gold white painted hexagonal wooden vase

I think everyone can use a little glam in their decor every now and then. How about you? These flowers were freshly picked from a flower garden planted by my sweet husband. He knows me so well. 

DIY gold white painted hexagonal wooden vase

And for a bit of contrast, here it is filled with one of my faux lavender plants. I think I'll display the lavender in it in the spring. In the meantime, I think I'll keep it filled with fresh flowers. But once the garden is done blooming for the summer I might just have to use it as a very special pencil cup for my desk! That way I get to see the bright and cheery color combo every day. I can also see it filled with a bunch of wheat and some feathers for fall!

I hope you enjoyed reading about my 
 DIY Simple Inexpensive Hexagonal Wooden Vase. 
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DIY gold white painted hexagonal wooden vase

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Leave a Comment!

Cecilia said...

That's very pretty! Isn't Target the best? My Target was sold out of the plush surprise! I didn't see the vase though. It almost feels Fallish this morning (and that means under 90 degrees here!) Happy Fall, Kathleen!

Unknown said...

Gosh, that is totally cute Kathleen. You have a good eye for seeing the potential in things.

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