Vintage Charm Party #100

September 14, 2017

Vintage Charm is a vintage-themed link party where awesome thrifters and collectors link up each week with something new!

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #100! We've been highlighting last week's links throughout the past week on social media, and we both chose extra features in honor of today's 100th party! After you visit here be sure to pop over to My Thrift Store Addiction to see Cecilia's extra features as well!

But first, let's find out what our hostesses have been up to!


(formerly Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home})


Weekly Features

It's been difficult for us to choose just one feature each. Your vintage finds, vignettes and just plain creativity have been awesome!

Kathleen's Pick

Sharon from Blue Willow House never disappoints with her thrift store finds.  This week she shares vintage blue daisy federal glass, vintage Vera for Mikasa dishes, vintage Shawnee Puss and Boots salt and pepper shakers, and a vintage book and map page bundle. All that in one week? I'd call that a dream! Drop by Vintage Fascination No. 137 to see all of her awesome vintage finds!

Cecilia's Pick

Julie at Renaissance Mermaid shared her reflections on  her son's recent move to another city and the challenge of Letting Go This Fall. To help furnish her son's new space Julie also "let go" of a few pieces of furniture which lead to a refresh in her family room. Bittersweet as the changes may be during this time, the transitions in the room are simply lovely. Thinking of you, Julie!

Vintage Charm Party #100 Special Features

Awesome Fall Tablescape

with Our Crafty Mom

Awesome Fall Wreath

Magnolia Wreath Styled For Fall
with Sweet Pea

Awesome DIY Fall Craft

Potion Bottles For Halloween, Part 2
with Debbie-Dabble Blog

If you've been featured today grab a button from my sidebar!

Party Guidelines
(Does #7 say "Prizes"???)

1. Content: Submit up to three posts that involve vintage finds, crafts, DIYs and other vintage subject matter. No shops or direct advertising, please.   

2. Reminder: No recipe links, please.   

3. Link-back: We'd love it if you'd include the Vintage Charm button or a text link back to the party in your linked post. 

4. Visitation: Please visit other blog posts -- after all that's what a link-up is all about. When pinning please go to the source of the photo to pin it so the originator of the post gets the credit.

5. Hostess Love: Consider following each of your party hostesses' blogs and/or one or more forms of social media. We love connectig with each of our guests and will be highlighting features on all of our social media.

6. Spread the Word: Consider mentioning Vintage Charm on your social media to help spread the word and make this party a great experience for everyone. 

7. Prizes: Keep in mind that each month we will select one of the month's featured posts to be featured on both hostesses' blogs. At the end of the year one of the twelve monthly features will be selected as the Grand Prize Feature of the Year. Prize TBA.

8. Permission: By linking up to Vintage Charm you assert that the photographs are yours (or you have permission to use them) and you give your hostesses permission to feature them on social media or a blog party with a link back to your blog. You will likewise assert that the content of the post is your own.  
Be sure to stay in touch:
Just click on my Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram icons in my top right sidebar. You can also sign up there to receive my blog posts via email as well.

If you sign up via email, you should receive a confirmation email in your inbox. If not, please check your spam folder
 (and/or your "Promotions" folder if you have gmail)!

Thank you!

Don’t miss another thrifty,
 DIY home décor post!    

Leave a Comment!

Sharon @ Blue Willow House said...

Thanks for the kind words and the feature. I keep having problems with BWH and after working with my host for a couple of weeks the problems persist. A new host may be in order. Happy the party is still going strong.


Thank you so much for the party.
Enjoy the rest of the week.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Congratulations Kathleen on the 100th Vintage Charm, love visiting and joining in.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for the honor of being featured at the 100th Vintage Charm party!! I will be giving you a Shout Out on Google +, face book and in my next post!!
Congrats on the 100th Vintage Charm party!! And thanks for hosting!!

mjmaterazo said...

thanks so much for the party Kathleen. congrats on your 100th! that's awesome. xo- maryjo

Diana said...

Congrats on making it to 100, ladies!! Wonderful features this week, too :)

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