Dollar Tree Cotton Boll Stems Plus Other Farmhouse Fall Decor

August 24, 2018

Dollar Tree cotton boll stem baby boo pumpkin fall bouquet decor

Dare I say it? Dollar Tree cotton stems. Yes, you heard me right. Seems like I can't get enough of Dollar Tree these days. And I'm confident that when you see all my fabulous fall decor finds from there, you'll understand why.

I always make sure to look at the faux flower section at Dollar Tree whenever I stop in. Rarely am I wowed by the selection. I was once wowed by faux hydrangeas. And most recently I was happily wowed by faux cotton boll stems. I was somewhat flabbergasted since they normally cost a fortune. They're normally so expensive that I actually DIY'd some Faux Farmhouse Cotton Stems myself.   

But these, however, were just the right price. The only problem was that they weren't just cotton boll stems. The cotton bolls were interspersed with leaves, cattail and pine cones. As much as I love cattails and pine cones, I just don't  associate them with cotton boll bouquets.

So I took matters into my own hands and pulled the stems apart, leaving me with pine cones, cattails and leaves to use for another project.

Which left me with just plain cotton bolls. In this picture you can see where I initially kept some leaves attached for effect. Later I decided to strip them all off for a more simplistic look. I did, however, ultimately put back a few pine cones.

Now that I had the cotton bolls to work with I decided to match them up with another Dollar Tree fall decor find -- baby boo pumpkins.

When I found the last two packages of these faux white clip-on pumpkins I was ecstatic. Baby boos, as they're called, are a favorite of mine. At first I thought I'd have to place them on sticks to add them to my decor but then I realized that they had clips attached -- which made it super easy to include them in a fall bouquet along with the cotton bolls. But I still wanted a bit of green in the mix.

Dollar Tree cotton boll stem baby boo pumpkin lambs ear pussy willow fall bouquet decor

So I picked up two lamb's ear picks and one pussy willow pick from Hobby Lobby and voila. I think this is my all-time favorite DIY fall decoration, hands down. And it all started at Dollar Tree.

Dollar Tree cotton boll stem baby boo pumpkin lambs ear pussy willow fall bouquet decor

I purchased the enamel farmhouse pitcher at Ikea a few years ago. 

Isn't this fall pumpkin pie sign awesome? I got it on sale at Big Lots.

Dollar Tree cotton boll stem baby boo pumpkin lambs ear pussy willow fall bouquet decor

The baby boo pumpkins made the perfect addition to this cotton boll bouquet.

Dollar Tree cotton boll stem baby boo pumpkin lambs ear pussy willow fall bouquet decor

I think the fuzzy lamb's ears and pussy willow add just the right amount of texture, along with the pine cones and cotton bolls. 

Dollar Tree cotton boll stem baby boo pumpkin lambs ear pussy willow fall bouquet decor

I can't get enough of those fuzzy lamb's ears. And I've always loved pussy willows. Now I bet you're wondering what other Dollar Tree fall decor items I came across.

Here's another one of those perfect Dollar Tree fall finds. It's an adorable wall hanging with glitter and a vintage red farmhouse truck. Need I say more? I'll be using it as part of another project in the near future so stay tuned.

Lastly, I couldn't believe my eyes when I found this. It's a package of galvanized metal script words relating to fall and Thanksgiving: Thankful, Harvest and Welcome. I was so excited I bought the last two packages, knowing that I could put these farmhouse finds to work in my fall decor.

Here they are laid out on a vintage cutting board. These, too, are going to be used as part of a bigger project so stay tuned. (Just think of all the things you could do with them!)

Here's one small slice of fall decor in the living room. The rest of the house may be in chaos, but at least I have this corner of awesome fall goodness to enjoy. Once the rest of the house has been appropriately dressed for fall I will share that as well. 

Well, that's it until next time, friends. 
I hope you enjoyed reading about my
Dollar Tree Cotton Boll Stems Plus 
More Farmhouse Fall Decor.

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Dollar Tree cotton boll stem baby boo pumpkin lambs ear pussy willow fall bouquet decor

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Kathy said...

Loved your fall vignette. The only thing I didn't like was the pussy willows-- which are spring in my book--but the texture is great with the lamb's ear and cotton bolls. LOVE those metal letters; gonna hafta hit DT soon. Hey, I'm out of onion powder, I have a REAL reason to go, right!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Lots of fall pretties, Kathleen...I need to stop by Dollar Tree!

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