Welcome, friends, to another fun-filled Thrill of the Hunt post where I share my latest thrifty (and usually) vintage finds with you. These particular finds were snagged up pre-Coronavirus so I'm glad I had them in my stash to share. I'm excited to get started so here goes!
If you've followed me for any amount of time you probably know that I'm a sucker for vintage Christmas finds. Most finds are for resale in my Etsy shop, Vintage Farmhouse Love, while some of them end up staying right here with me. The latest find is definitely staying!
I've always loved vintage deer figurines, especially in Christmas vignettes. I picked up this vintage flocked mother doe and fawn figurine at Goodwill for $1.99. I've seen it on Etsy priced at $14.99.

I found these vintage circa 1950's-1960's wooden salt and pepper shakers at Goodwill for $1.99. Despite my figuring out that salt and pepper shakers aren't necessarily the best items to sell on Etsy, I still pick up cute sets from time to time. I knew these would prove to be a winner.
I believed the red-hatted chef was the female, with her long lashes and rosy red cheeks. I wasn't sure, though, so I did a little research. All the similar sets I found on Etsy and Ebay described the one with the red chef's hat as a woman. I like to call her the "Mrs." of the set.
Which leaves us with the "Mr." half of the duo. I have to say that his facial expression looks like he's not an especially happy camper. Wonder why?
Chippy goodness! Also, one interesting note -- salt and pepper shakers usually have a different number of holes in them. More often than not, most pepper shakers have more holes than salt shakers. But these shakers both have five holes! It's the first time I've seen this before.
As much as I loved the set myself, I listed it in my Etsy shop and it sold right away for $10.00.
"The Great Seal of the United States of America." Who'd ever think that you'd find those words on the side of a cheese crock? Not me. Yet here they are, on a vintage 1970's stoneware crock!
But I didn't buy it for those words. I actually bought it (from Goodwill) for the plain back side of it. I'm going to use it for a DIY home decor project, one that's already a proven winner -- my DIY Vintage-Inspired Advertising Crocks.

The more the merrier I always say! I think it will fit right in, don't you? I'll be sure to update you once the project is completed. Good news: Goodwill stores in my neck of the woods are open! I say good news first and foremost because -- hallelujah!-- I was finally able to drop off an entire van filled with donations this morning! I can't quite say that I'm ready to get back to my regular Goodwill shopping trips as of yet, but I do know that it's just a matter of time. Stay safe, friends.
Well, that's it until next time, friends!
I hope you enjoyed reading
Thrill of the Hunt #99.
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Kathleen, we definitely have the same taste when it comes to thrifting. I have the same style mother and baby fawn in brown as well as a few pairs of Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper. Now all I need is the crock! ;)
Oh wow Kathleen you scored. Love the sweet deer and my grandparents has a lake home when I was growing up with those salt and pepper shakers. The crocks are fabulous. You did great. Have a great rest of the week.
Great finds! I would use that crock right side to in a patriotic vignette for now. I have been to our local GW once and enjoyed myself a whole cart full! Can't wait to go regularly--but I am. Yesterday (Tues.) I asked Al if it would be too much for him to find me a yard sale en route to 2x monthly grocery shopping. The look I got!!!
Oh I love the deer...so adorable.
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