Thrill of the Hunt #105

November 2, 2020

vintage bird cage pumpkin topiary foyer decor

Welcome, friends, to another fun-filled Thrill of the Hunt post where I share my latest thrifty (and usually) vintage finds with you. Today it's all about patina'd bird cages, hens on nests and topiaries -- and they're some of my absolute favorites. So let's get started.

 velvet pumpkin bird cage cotton boll leaf garland

My husband and I visited southwest Michigan at the end of the summer and visited a few antique malls. I shared the bulk of my finds in Thrill of the Hunt#104, but I still have one last find from that trip I haven't yet shared with you.

distressed metal bird

It's always hard for me to look the other way when I find a vintage bird cage or facsimile thereof. Especially when they have a lovely, time-worn patina like this one.

distressed metal bird cage stand

I love the chippy legs.

It has a small latch you can open when you want to lift the cage up off of its platform. That way you can open it and put something inside.

bird cage pumpkins leaf garland fall decor

It was just the perfect place to put my 3-tier velvet pumpkin topiary. I wrapped it with a leafy garland and placed it on a wooden tray on the French provincial dresser in the foyer. I know that I'll find other things to place inside it to go along with the seasons. Next up to put inside: a tabletop farmhouse Christmas tree.

 vintage white hobnail milk glass hen on nest

I accidentally started collecting "hen on nest" dishes over the past year or so. The first one I found was made of amber glass (I don't think I've shared it yet.). After that I found a pure white milk glass hen on nest. You can learn about that one, seen above, in Thrill of the Hunt #101.  Then I found a cobalt blue glass hen on nest (I'll be sure to share in a later post) for next to nothing at a church rummage sale. All three were the same size. 

mini white painted hen on nest

And then there's this. I picked up this white painted mini hen on nest at a local twice-yearly barn sale for $3.00. 

 white ceramic pumpkins hen on nest bowl

While the paint was chipping off and there was crazing I just couldn't help myself.

faded distressed chipped paint ceramic white hen

basket weave pattern hen on nest white porcelain bowl

I like the basket weave detailing on the nest, or bowl, portion.

lidded bowl hen

Since it was a "mini" hen on nest it was just different enough, unique enough, for me to rationalize picking it up for the collection. And, well, it was $3.00.

round ivy topiary green pot

I was overjoyed to find this faux ivy topiary at a local estate sale. I've been known to grow my own, but then they inevitably die and I'm back at square one. So this was the ticket. However, the pot wasn't exactly anything special.

faux green plant ivy topiary

Luckily it fit perfectly in my chinoiserie cache pot that I shared in Thrill of the Hunt #104.

faux leaves ivy round wire topiary

blue white porcelain cache pot ivy leaves

mantel decor cathedral window frame ivy topiary chinoiserie cache pot

It looks like they were made for each other. And the best part? I don't even have to water it!

Well, that's it until next time, friends!

 I hope you enjoyed reading about
Thrill of the Hunt #105
 and that I've inspired you in some way. 
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vintage bird cage pumpkin topiary foyer decor

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My thrift store addiction said...

Kathleen, I love the birdcage and that topiary looks so real! Great finds!

Jodie Fitz said...

There's so much that I love in these photos, but absolutely LOVE the window pane. Great collection...great finds.

Kathy said...

I can't wait to see how you use that bird cage with seasonal decorations! I love bird cages, too. And ceramic birds and birds' nests. Oh, hey, I'm just a bird lover!

Junkchiccottage said...

Love the bird cage and the pretty topiary. Happy November.

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