Silver Fantasy?

October 2, 2009

Tonight I found a great site for sterling silver charms- They have a varied selection of silver charms at very reasonable prices.  I have to confess that I love it not only for its diversity of charms, but also for the fact that it carries Irish dancer charms, Irish dance soft shoe charms and other celtic-themed pretty cool charms.  I realize that these charms only appeal to a small section of the charm bracelet-making population, but I was psyched to find them.  I'm hoping that there are other feisanna mamas out there who'll be interested in buying an Irish dance charm bracelet.  My girls' next feis is the Mullane-Healy-O'Brien Halloween Feis in Chicago which takes place on (you guessed it) Halloween.  They get to wear costumes!  It's a rare occasion that they are allowed to dance in anything other than their Irish dance dresses.  It should be fun.

Now on to more mainstream topics......There is a jewelry designer I love named Jill MacKay.  She has a collection out there that is distributed by Darice, Inc. and is sold (I believe) exclusively by Michael's.  It's called (surprise) The Jill MacKay Collection.  It consists of sterling silver plated adornments as well as leather look necklaces ripe for adding her signature pendants onto them.  I checked with the Darice website and they only sell her items wholesale -- i.e., to Michael's.  So it looks as though we're limited to buying her designs through retail.  They were inexpensive, costing around $4.00 a piece.

It's too late to add a photo tonight (they haven't been put onto the computer yet).  But I will add a photo tomorrow of a necklace I've designed that is grounded in Jill MacKay's stuff.  It's a tassle necklace (that's what I call it) and I really love it.  Any designers you really love?  Let me know so that I can check them out.  Well, Irish dance class comes early on Saturday ciao for now.              

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