Little Lovelies Freshwater Pearl Bracelet

April 7, 2010

 Well, I promised a delicate and feminine bracelet, so here goes:

Yes, it's quite a departure from my usual "substantial" charm bracelets!  But it has two of my favorite things ~ pearls and (understated) bling!  I fell in love with these rhinestone studded balls the moment I saw them.

I just loved adding them as dangling charms at the end of the bracelet.  Does anyone else love these gem-studded balls like I do?  How have you used them?  I'd love to hear your ideas. 

I've already used a few of them in some of my other designs and I can't seem to get enough of them.  They come in all colors and sizes.  I found these at http://Beadbuddies.net also has a nice selection.  (Sorry ~ I only just learned how to enter html code so that I can reference another website by name without actually typing in the web address and you can just click on the name and off you go!  Unfortunately I don't have time to mess around with code right now!  I'll admit that it sure does LOOK prettier, but alas, the beauty will have to wait.)     

You may also have noticed that I've created more blog "buttons" in draft to promote my blog.  See sidebar....Anyway, I keep changing my mind as to what I want it look like and what I want it to say.  I'm also having trouble just creating the darn thing from scratch.  Any other blog button war stories or helpful hints you'd like to share?  Your insight would be greatly appreciated!  (I'm not sayin' that I'd give you my first born or anything but......who knows :) )

Time to catch up on tivo'd stuff with the hubs.  Popcorn anyone?  TTFN

"The strength of a man's virtue must not be measured by his effort, but by his ordinary life."
 ~ Pascal

Leave a Comment!

Anonymous said...

I love this bracelet - along with the Faith one. You are such a talent. Everytime I look at your blog, I'm amazed. T.

Kathleen said...

What a nice comment! Thanks for figuring it all out and for your support! Kath

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