MY "JERSEY SHORE" and Club G.W.Party Announcement!

June 20, 2011

No, I'm not talking about that T.V. show (which I've never watched, by the way).  I'm talking about going home to family, friends and a week's vacation that your kids will carry with them for an entire year.  Yes, my husband is from the Jersey shore.  Pretty close to the place they shoot that show, even.  And I spent most of my childhood summers at the Jersey shore with my family, on the beach and the boardwalk.  So what IS my Jersey Shore?  Quite a bit different, I'm afraid, than that other Jersey Shore.

There you have it.  Always my favorite photo, the kids from the back, walking together.  It was a nice respite from the everyday that is life.  But we're home now, and it's time for the much-awaited Club G.W. party announcement! 

I'm taking the plunge and hope that you'll take it with me.

The first official
Club G.W.
Charm Bracelet Diva
begins next Tuesday
June 28th.

That should give you a week to get ready and show us what you got: 
your recent finds from your favorite haunts
be it Goodwill, thrift stores, flea markets, estate sales, barn sales,
you name it.
Anything that made your heart go pitter-patter so loudly that you just had to have it.  
And if you repurposed it, all the better!

Hope to see you there!


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V I N T A G E O L O G I E said...

Nothing beats ... "Goin' down the shore" ... looks like you had fun!! I'm looking forward to taking my little one down for some day trips this year.

GW sounds like fun!!


Comeca Jones said...

I shall be there with bells on!

Ido said...

How nice, I'm a mountain girl but now and then I wish I was at the beach. Next Tuesday sounds like fun, will link up.
Have a great first day of summer!

lvroftiques said...

Hi Kathleen!
I've never been to the Jersey shore (opposite coast *winks*) but it looks wonderful!! The picture with the kiddos is precious!
I'd love to join your GW party! I feel I practically live there LOL! Vanna

Plumrose Lane said...

Now THAT'S a vacation!

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