Affordable olive buckets? If you've followed me for any amount of time you already know how much I love olive buckets -- and hydrangeas. My husband brought these gorgeous hydrangea bushes home for me the other day as a surprise. And even more of a surprise -- guess what I got to put them in!
I had been looking for an affordable vintage olive bucket for quite some time, with no luck. As much as I've wanted one, the $50-plus dollar price tag has stopped me in my tracks every time. Places like Pottery Barn have been selling their "found" olive buckets for as much as $149. Then one day I was reading my Better Homes and Gardens Magazine and I came across an ad for some of their endorsed products, one of which was the galvanized bucket you see in the photo.
I immediately went to Walmart's website, which is where BH&G sells their products.You guessed it: out of stock. Then I looked at two local Walmart stores, but neither of them had one in stock, either. I even went so far as to email the company and ask them when and if they planned on getting any more. Their response was basically that they run out of things all the time and that I should keep checking back. I checked back a few times over the next few weeks and finally found some in stock!
I ordered two, at $9.88 each! Yes, $9.88 each. With free delivery to my local store.
They're 13 inches high and 12 inches across. They're a great size for potted plants, including small bushes or even trees. Obviously, since there are "holes" in the bucket, you'll have to plant your blooms in another container and then drop that into the bucket.
I can't wait to find other uses for my new "olive buckets." I'll admit that I usually prefer these types of things when they're much more rustified. But for these prices I could not be picky. And who knows? Maybe if I leave them out on the porch this summer I might just get my rusty wish!
What would YOU put in them?
Well, that's it until next time, friends!
Well, that's it until next time, friends!
I hope you enjoyed reading about my
Affordable Olive Buckets and Hydrangeas.
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I love the olive buckets! What a deal! You really turned them into a fabulous decorative piece by adding the Hydrangeas!
Your hydrangeas are gorgeous, Kathleen!! I'm looking forward to my hydrangeas blooming this summer...if it ever stops snowing!
Love your olive buckets. What a deal!
Mary Alice
Wow, now that was a great find! I have read somewhere that there is something you can use to accelerate rust..You might try Googeling around! and thank you soooo much for sharing my Flea on social media, you might want to wait closer to June 7th, that is why I am waiting till May to really get the new out!
Thanks for sharing those beautiful flowers - love hydrangeas. You did good on the buckets - big difference in price.
thanks I just bought two!
thanks I just bought two!
The best deal I found two years ago when I started the search was 1000 old olive buckets from Turkey - great price on the buckets, but the shipping? Oh, my! Finally gave up and bought the vintage ones on Decor Steals. I may have to find these to put out in the garden. Look for a recipe with hydrogen peroxide and cider vinegar for rusty patinas. Love the hydrangeas.
Great find. I haven't ever found those at our Walmart but, I did see Debbie's post on finding them there. They would look great with about anything in them. Love buckets out of galvanized steel. I have several from the farm where I grew up. They are a teasure.
Two of my favorite things: olive buckets and hydrangeas! Your whole display looks so pretty! (What a sweet hubby :)
Thanks for sharing about the olive buckets, though I am trying to "kick" my bucket habit...bait buckets, enamel buckets, galvanized buckets...what the heck, I'm in! They are cool! (sweet hubby!). Love, Penny
Thanks for sharing about the olive buckets, though I am trying to "kick" my bucket habit...bait buckets, enamel buckets, galvanized buckets...what the heck, I'm in! They are cool! (sweet hubby!). Love, Penny
I'm glad you didn't give up on them. Thanks so much for sharing this, what a deal! I'd put hydrangeas in them also, just wish they'd grow in my awful soil.
Love, Love, Love these!!! What a great price. Also like your wire cloche...very cute! Linked from Ivy & Elephants.
Great news~~~Google Friends Connect is letting me join other blogs again, it was out of commission for most of March. I'm your newest follower!!!
I have looked for them before...with no luck. I will definitely keep checking back
What a great find!
I love the BH&G line at WalMart. I purchased several of their galvanized containers for my craft space.
Did you know you can age the bucket by spritzing with vinegar and water? I keep a spray bottle of it (50/50 mix) and have spritzed a bunch of little buckets that I also use on my desk for scissors, paint brushes, etc. Keep them in an empty stainless sink or on a table outside for a few days and spritz a few times a day. The shine comes off and they start to rust. It will look like it's been around forever.
I love the BH&G line at WalMart. I purchased several of their galvanized containers for my craft space.
Did you know you can age the bucket by spritzing with vinegar and water? I keep a spray bottle of it (50/50 mix) and have spritzed a bunch of little buckets that I also use on my desk for scissors, paint brushes, etc. Keep them in an empty stainless sink or on a table outside for a few days and spritz a few times a day. The shine comes off and they start to rust. It will look like it's been around forever.
Those are such beautiful flowers. I like the bucket you put them in to.
I can't wait to get some of those flowers too. Thank you for your lovely visit.
Your hydrangeas look great in your new olive bucket, Kathleen! It pays to keep trying when something is out of stock with Walmart on the first go. I just bought three hydrangeas myself from one of the local markets here ~ at $5.99 each I couldn't resist!
Oh, these are great! I'm not sure what I'd put in cats would jump in before I could get anything else in there!
Thanks for sharing over at Twirl & Take a Bow!!!
- Brooke -
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