It seems like I can't get enough of iron-on transfer projects these days. For Father's Day I made my husband a King of the Grill apron with an iron-on printable. Today I'd like to share with you another project that was made as a gift for one of my daughter's friends.
I've already shared my monogram pillow iron-on tutorial. It's a great read if you want some tips on general iron-on instructions. Which is good, since I did not take any pictures for a step-by-step tutorial of this particular project. It all happened so fast. But I am sharing the free printable, courtesy of my very artistic daughter!
Here is the inspiration, a shirt her friend found in an Etsy shop:

I was amazed at how many tank tops there were with this quote on Pinterest.
Personally, I think it's awesome that a 14 year old girl would want this quote on her shirt. My own girls go to Catholic school and it's nice to see that some of what they're learning has actually become a part of their daily lives. I'm very proud of each of them as well as their friends.
My daughter contemplated buying her friend the shirt, but once you calculated in tax and shipping the price was a bit too steep for her. So she went to work creating her own iron-on-worthy image that I know you'll absolutely fall in love with!
We were both pleased with how it turned out. More importantly, so was her friend. I'm always amazed at how professional these projects end up turning out. Yours can look just as good if you use our printable.
It's such a powerful quote. I really hope it inspires you.
I might just have to make one of these for myself!
Well, that's it for now. I hope you enjoyed reading about my free inspirational printable.
It's such a powerful quote. I really hope it inspires you.
I might just have to make one of these for myself!
Well, that's it for now. I hope you enjoyed reading about my free inspirational printable.
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I love it on the shirt. What a cute idea. I have always loved silhouettes to begin with-so with the verse on it -it is just perfect. xo Diana
Your daughter did a great job on the shirt. Yes it is a powerful quote. Her friend will be honored to wear it also.
She did an amazing job, it's no wonder you're so proud of her! Love this!
Your daughter did such a great job with this graphic--really pleasing to look at and so well balanced. I absolutely love the sentiment, Kathleen :) Happy 4th!
A cool idea, the shirt is lovely.
beautiful and inspirational. I would wear it!
This is a beautiful design! I came across this while searching Pinterest for this quote for the Spiritual Growth Camp our church puts on for teen girls each year. This verse is our theme verse this year (we're looking at Esther is particular, along with this verse, and encouraging the girls to consider that they are being used "for such a time as this"). I was wondering if I could have your daughter's permission to use this image - in particular, we are wanting to put it on a tshirt for the girls. The camp is free for the girls, so we aren't making any money off the image, just really love it and love how well it fits with our theme! thank you!
Katie, I'm so happy you like the graphic. I sent you a private message reply on Google Plus. If you don't use Google Plus you will have to email me directly. Please see my email address on my Contact page, accessible in my top menu bar. Thanks!
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