Thrill of the Hunt #34

August 23, 2016

Yes, it's that time again. Time for Thrill of the Hunt #34 - where I share my latest thrifty finds. This time it's ironstone, glass and wall decals. Yes, wall decals. Some vintage, some not so vintage. Either way I hope you'll stick around and see what thrifty finds I've got for you this week.

Vintage ironstone takes center stage in the form of a vintage ironstone platter with scalloped edges. I picked it up at Salvation Army for $2.06.

I love the detail on this.

"O P Co. Syracuse China" indicates that the platter was made by Onandanga Pottery in Syracuse, New York. O.P. Co. made restaurantware, hotel china and railroad china. I've always thought that riding the railroad in the "olden days" must have been pretty romantic. Dining cars actually provided restaurant-worthy food along with waiters and china! Maybe this platter was used on just such a dining car many years ago.

After researching the makers mark the best I can tell is that the platter was made somewhere between 1897 and 1926.

Here it is with my thrift store vintage ironstone pitcher.

I LOVE hand blown glass pitchers. One of my favorites, unfortunately, went the way of broken glass on the kitchen floor recently. My fault. I was loving using it for pink lemonade,as you can see in my DIY Vintage Bar Cart Transformation. Sad to see it go, I was quite happy to find this similar replacement glass pitcher at Goodwill for $1.99. It's a bit sturdier than the other one so hopefully it will stand the test of time.

I was happy to find this cocktail glass at Goodwill for 99 cents. It's probably not vintage since it features Daiquiris, Margaritas and Long Island Iced Teas as three of the drink recipes, but I like the retro look anyway. It will go nicely with my vintage barware collection.

Now for a more contemporary find. We all love the Clearance aisle at Target, don't we? I mean, who wouldn't? Although I have to say that what used to be "Clearance" prices have gone up considerably in my book. All the more reason to love finding Target clearance items at Goodwill for a fraction of even the Clearance cost!

Target always has a lot of wall decals for sale. I don't always like what they have, but this was too good to pass up.

It's a three foot by one foot arrow decal. Cost me all of 99 cents. While I'm not in love with the polka dots on it, I know I can use it at a minimum as a template for making other arrows. Lord knows I could have used it when I was making my DIY farmhouse sign.  

Well that's it for this week!
I hope you enjoyed reading about my 
Thrill of the Hunt finds! 

Thanks so much for spending time with me today!

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Tuula @ Thrifty Rebel Vintage said...

Love that ironstone platter, and that display stand is fabulous too.

Summer said...

The gals pitcher is beautiful ♥

Sharon @ Blue Willow House said...

Its always a good thrifting day when you find ironstone. Great deal on the decals. said...

Another great piece of ironstone to add to your collection! I like the decals too.

Deanies Stash said...

Great finds!

xo Dianne

Unknown said...

Great finds, Kathleen. It's also nice to know that Target donates to the Goodwill! :D Thanks for sharing, Cynthia

My thrift store addiction said...

Great ironstone finds and I love the decal!

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