Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home} = "Our Hopeful Home!"

February 24, 2017

Our Hopeful Home blog with clipboard and mason jar with hydrangeas.

Yes, you're in the right place!

It's finally time for the long-awaited blog name change! You may remember that I spoke about some exciting changes that were coming up here on the blog. Well, I'm happy to report that the name change portion is complete! I hope you like the new header. It matches my new blog template a bit better and has (s-u-r-p-r-i-s-e!) a mason jar and hydrangeas on it!

I explained the whys and wherefores of the change back in January in my Time To Reevaluate post. For those of you who missed it and don't feel like popping back there for a look-see, here's the gist:

In addition, there's at least one other big change that will be implemented this year: a blog name change. That's right. This blog started out as a way to chronicle my jewelry-making, hence the name Charm Bracelet Diva. A few years later it was apparent that the blog had taken a different direction and was more of a DIY/home decor blog with a vintage twist. That caused me to reevaluate the name and Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home} was born. While that name has served me well over these past few years I feel in my heart of hearts that it's time for another change.

And today's the day for that change, dear friends. Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home} is now officially Our Hopeful Home. I think the new name reflects where I am in this thrifty-DIY-home-decor-with-a-vintage-twist journey. I mean, who doesn't want a hopeful home?

So without further ado.......drumroll please!

As of later today my blog address, or URL, will change from: 


So, what does this mean to you? Hopefully nothing more than seeing a new, bright and cheerful blog header when you visit. You will continue to receive my blog posts as usual without having to do anything. (Of course as I write this there's a big hulabaloo going on regarding Blogger blogs having trouble redirecting to their new URL. Sigh. Please hang in there with me, folks.) I do plan on switching over to a new email service that will send you weekly updates in a much prettier form than my current blog posts come to you. I hope to have that all up and running for my very next blog post so be on the lookout for it! Again, there's nothing for you to do but sit back and enjoy the ride.

Nervous girl sitting on couch with briefcase, headphones.

Change is scary. I've put this off way longer than I should have due to a sheer fear of the unknown. What if it gets too confusing for people? What if I lose followers? What if I mess something up? Well, I'll never know the answers to those and a ton of other questions unless I go ahead with the scary changes. And by the same token I'm hoping to stretch myself and create a better blog experience for you, my dear reader, in the process.

Socrates quote about change in gold frame.

I still have work to do in order to make the name change work. I have to change my account names on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook just to name a few social networks. It will be a gradual process, so please bear with me. And when you see the name "Our Hopeful Home" you'll know that it's me!

And one last thing. Since I've purchased the custom domain name ( that means I will also have access to custom email addresses that match, i.e.,, etc. So don't think some stranger is emailing you and send my weekly emails off to spam! Horrors!

I'm pretty excited for what the future holds. I hope you are, too!

 Don’t miss another thrifty, 
DIY home décor post!      


Leave a Comment!

Cecilia said...

I like the name! So did you switch from blogger? Just curious as I'm thinking of changing my blog name.

My thrift store addiction said...

Looks great Kathleen! I agree, change can be scary--especially with the tech stuff!

Diana said...

Great changes, Kathleen--LOVE your new look and new name. Congrats on a job well-done good luck with the remaining work :)

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Congratulations, Kathleen. Your blog looks beautiful and I love the name change too!

Tuula @ Thrifty Rebel Vintage said...

I love the new name Kathleen. Congrats on taking the leap. I know it can be scary. said...

Pretty header! Aww, I don't think you are going to lose anyone...all the work of changing is on you. The rest of us just sit back & enjoy! I like the new name & it better fits with you now.

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Brilliant! I've start ruminating as well. Looks fantastic and I'm sure it will be a rousing success. I know I'm not going anywhere!

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