I'm all for using clay pots as planters in and around my home. The more patina'd the better. However, I'm also no stranger to using unusual containers for plants as well. While thrifting recently, searching out finds for my Etsy shop -- Vintage Farmhouse Love -- I came across a vintage Royal Stuart Spencer Stevenson petite porcelain china sugar and creamer set. I knew it was probably a collectible circa 1951-1960 and therefore perfect for resale. Only problem was -- I just couldn't part with it cause it's so darn cute! From the sea foam green color, to the gilding, to the adorable size, I was hooked.
Standing only 2 5/8" - 3 1/2 " tall, these diminutive pieces of fine bone china truly stole my heart. Once I decided that I was going to keep them (can you say, um, from the get-go?) I knew what I wanted to do with them, at least for now. It being summer and all, I've been obsessed with flowers of all kinds, as well as greenery, and knew that these receptacles were meant for more than cream and sugar. Enter my favorite trailing plant -- vinca vine.
I always make sure to use vinca vine in my outside planters in the summer. I love how it trails down the side of the pots. My husband is of another mind set, however, as he calls vinca vine the "creeper." Apparently, if planted in the ground (versus in a planter) and left to its own devices, vinca vine has been known to grow out of control, taking over other plants. I believe the gardening term is "invasive." I've not had that problem at all with containers.
I paid a total of $5.94 for this duo (which is more than I normally spend for stuff like this) and could not be happier with the purchase. I mean, what's NOT to like? Once the vines really start to take off I'll remove them and plant them in outside containers so they can grow all summer long. In the meantime, I think I'll just enjoy them exactly the way they are.
Well, that's it until next time, friends!
I hope you enjoyed reading about my
Thrifted Royal Stuart China
Repurposed As Planters.
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Happy Monday. The heat we are having is horrible but I have to say my flowers needed it with all the rain we had the last few weeks. They were so soggy and looking sad. The heat and sunshine helped to dry them out and perk them up. I love this idea of re loving the Royal Stuart China as planters. Super cute. Have a good week.
Thanks so much for stopping by!!! I love the idea of putting plants in pieces of china!! Big Lot's do have Fairy Garden items at a good price. I also found some Fairy Garden accessories in Dollar General for $1.00 a piece!! Thanks again for taking the time to comment!!
What a great way to use these china pieces!
These are so cute! I especially love the creamer!
Super cute "planters" I love old china as planters too.
When I purchased this house I was 21 and had no clue about gardening, I planted what looked nice and was "perennial" I forget what it is called but I am still pulling Medusa as I have nicknamed it from our front garden every year for 21 years now.
She has spread everywhere and even jumped onto the grass. We have dug her up several times and put down gardening cloth in layers with mulch and she still finds a way to grow lol.
Sandra-Dandelion Bouquets
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