Thrill of the Hunt #88

June 9, 2019

ironstone pitcher boxwood topiary wreath weather vane

Welcome, friends, to another fun-filled Thrill of the Hunt post where I share my latest thrifty (and mostly) vintage finds with you. I'm excited to get started so here goes!

white ironstone creamer Homer Laughlin

First up is a Homer Laughlin creamer from 1949. It will fit in beautifully with my ironstone collection.

white ironstone creamer Homer Laughlin handle side view

bottom of Homer Laughlin creamer makers mark A 49 N 6

I believe it's from 1949 based on the letters and numbers on its bottom. 

ironstone creamer dried hydrangeas

And what better use for a creamer -- if not using it as a creamer -- than using it as a vase? 

ironstone pitcher boxwood topiary wreath weather vane

I think it would sell pretty quickly if I put it in my Etsy shop, Vintage Farmhouse Love, but I love it too much to let it go! I saw it sell for $12.99, but I scored it for only 99 cents.

C.M.P.C. patent applied for plastic holy water font

Next up is a holy water font, or stoup (Roman Catholics also call it a benetier), that certainly brings back memories for me. We had one hanging on the wall in my bedroom right next to the door while I was growing up. For those of you not familiar with it, it's a small basin for holy water that you can dip your hand into and bless yourself with when entering or leaving a room. They're used in the Roman Catholic church as well as in Anglican and Lutheran churches. I first mentioned them in Thrill of the Hunt #84 where I shared my Angel holy water font.

resin gold arch Jesus heart picture

This vintage resin font (1950's) portrays the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a full color illustration. The picture is on what appears to be a holy card that I believe can be removed and replaced with another picture if you take the back off, which I don't want to do at this point. 

There's an arched window style opening with once-lavish (now worn) gold framing. 

bottom holy water font crucifix angel detail

water basin holy water font

The holy water font is inside the pedestal base. You  can see this one has seen a lot of love over the years. I did clean it up after taking these pictures and it looks MUCH better! 

back side plastic holy water font C.M.P.C.

On the back it says Copyright C.M.P.C. (Consolidated Molded Plastics Corporation) Patent Applied For. This Sacred Heart Holy Water Font is SOLD.

faux birch bark LED rustic candle

Last up is a flameless birch bark LED candle. While not vintage, I was still very excited to find it for all of 99 cents.

LED rustic candle birch bark facade

 I've always loved the rustic look of these faux birch bark candles, but never wanted to pay the price. I almost DIY'd some (by wrapping the candles in faux birch paper). Then I found this one at Goodwill.

brightly lit faux rustic birch bark LED candle

I believe 99 cents was a worthwhile investment for one of these beauties. 

birch bark LED candle white painted vintage candlestick boxwood ring

Here it is sitting atop a vintage candle holder. The deep yellow light it gives off when lit does not match the lesser yellow lights of my other flameless LED candles but I'm not worried. I know that if I am patient I will come across more of these beauties and I can create a stunning rustic display by setting up just the birch bark candles all by themselves. 

Well, that's it for today, friends!
 I hope I've inspired you in some way and that 
you've enjoyed reading Thrill of the Hunt #88!

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 DIY home décor post!   

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My thrift store addiction said...

I love the creamer, and that's a great candle too!

Kathy said...

Nice finds this week! I love Catholic stuff even though I am Baptist; learned an appreciation from my Irish Catholic m-i-l. My favorite Bleeding Heart picture was with Jesus; his eyes FOLLOWED you. Neighbors kids paced back and forth at the foot of my bed to watch Him watch them. It was priceless! I love using creamers and sugarers for faux flower arrangements, too, matching flowers to the colors in the designs!

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