Cucumber And Onion Salad Recipe

September 2, 2022

If you haven't already made a cucumber and onion salad this summer (and even if you have!) I have a super simple and delicious cucumber and onion salad recipe to share with you today.  

cucumber and onion salad in small porcelain bowl

Hopefully you've been harvesting fresh cucumbers from the garden, or at least gotten some from your local farmer's market! And with the holiday weekend coming up, it's the perfect time -- so let's get started. 

There's nothing like a light summer salad with a real kick -- thanks to a secret ingredient: apple cider vinegar. There are a ton of variations on cucumber and onion salad but my favorite, by far, includes apple cider vinegar.

This particular type of cucumber and onion salad pairs well with barbecued pork and just about any type of grilled chicken. I also like to eat it as a snack all by itself! Honestly, you can eat it with just about anything!

Cucumber And Onion Salad Recipe

wooden salt cellar McCormick pepper can whisk red onion apple cider vinegar


3- 4 mini cucumbers (also known as Persian; English cucumbers work as well )

3/4 1 large red onion, sliced (more or less, to taste)

1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

1/4 cup water

1 tablespoon sugar

1 teaspoon fine sea salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper


1. Peel the skin from each of the cucumbers with a good vegetable peeler.

cucumber and onion salad in tupperware container

2. Cut the cucumbers into thin, coin-shaped pieces. Place the coins into a relatively flat bowl, or container, with a lid so you can seal them and put them in the refrigerator later.

3. Add in the sliced red onion and toss to combine.

4. In small bowl, whisk together the apple cider vinegar, water, sugar, salt, and pepper.

mini cucumber bag pepper vinegar wooden spoon

5. Pour the whisked mixture over the cucumbers and onions. Place the lid on the container and shake it well in order to coat the contents. Here it is before shaking. 

(Confession: I did not follow my own instructions re: whisking the liquid and then pouring it on. Instead, I just added all the ingredients on top of the cucumbers and onions and stirred. This works, too.) 

cucumber and red onions salad tupperware

6. Chill in the refrigerator for at least one hour before serving, shaking periodically. The longer you leave it in the fridge the more potent the flavor will become. (Note, however, that after about 3 days, the salad has probably gone down hill and should be thrown out. This is after 2 days -- still tasty!) 

small porcelain bowl cucumber red onions

mini cucumber slices red onion painted bowl

While my recipe embodies a traditional cucumber and onion salad, there are many more cucumber and onion salad recipes out there that I'm eager to try. 

Some of them include tomatoes, Dijon mustard, rice vinegar, dill, bell peppers and sesame seeds. Hot, summerlike weather will be here for at least another 6 weeks or so, and I can't wait to try some of these new versions of this recipe. I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Well, that's it for today, friends!

I hope you've enjoyed reading about my

Labor Day Cucumber And Onion Salad Recipe

and that I've inspired you in some way. 

Don't Forget To Pin It!

cucumber and onion salad in small porcelain bowl

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Leave a Comment!

Angie // Garden Feast said...

Yum! I love anything with cucumbers and red onions in it! So delicious! And it also looks so refreshing!

Rita C at Panoply said...

I love this salad. Pinned!

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