Club G.W. with Charm Bracelet Diva

June 1, 2011

I love thrift stores of all kinds, and Goodwill has been a real friend to me these past few months.  Too good a friend, if you ask Mr. CBD!  But the merchandise, and the PRICE, is always right!  I know so many of you know exactly what I mean.  But it doesn't have to be a Goodwill store.  It can be any thrift or antique shop you love to frequent, however big or small.

It's that favorite flea market that only comes around when it comes around.

{Sorry, I can't find my source for this!}
R-E-A-L-L-Y wish I could go to this one!

It's that place you know you can go and always find something that makes your heart go pitter-patter.... 

Whether it's a vintage home decor item 

or textile, 

or jewelry,

or junky furniture that you just can't help dragging home for repurposing/refinishing 

it's all good.

Spend a little, get a lot back.

I've been so inspired by so many bloggers out there who know what I'm talking about and live it every day. 

It's our club....Club G.W.

I've thought about doing this for a while, only I can't help but hear the old "What if no one comes to my party?" whisper in my ear! 

After realizing that I wouldn't know until I tried, I mentioned my Club G.W. idea to some faithful friends and they all L-O-V-E-D the idea! 

So what do you say we get together about once a week and hash over our amazing scores from those favorite haunts?  It can be as simple as a picture of what we've bought, or as involved as a Before and After post (they're my favorite!).  I'd love for you to have a place to come and share your pitter-patters.......stay tuned for details!


Are you in?
(Stalkers welcome! wink wink)
P.S. Which Linky Service should I use?

Leave a Comment!

Grammy Goodwill said...

YES! Now if I can just my daughter to help me write a blog post upload pictures.

Unknown said...

Cant wait for the link up! Keep us informed when you will start...Tiff

Privet and Holly said...

Just scored a
few fab finds
one week ago!
Fun idea!!
xx Suzanne

KimMalk said...

What day are you hosting it? I don't have a preference for Linky services, they both charge now.

Comeca Jones said...

Sounds like fun!!

Curtains in My Tree said...

OK I'm in Us do it .

I love show & tell never got enough of it in school LOL

I have ya bookmarked


Plumrose Lane said...

What a great idea and so synchronous too as I just found out they held flea markets at the Rose Bowl ~ wow! Things sure have changed since I lived out there.
Although I don't have time to do the circuit these days I posted your badge for exposure ~ have fun!

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